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10 reasons why you should travel to Marshall Islands right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Marshall Islands right now

The Pacific Ocean has not only the largest water area, but also various small island centers of life. And the place that will be discussed in our article today – Marshall Islands, belongs to such. Do you know where are the Marshall Islands? The Republic of the Marshall Islands on the world map is located in […]

Anar Mammadov 08 February 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Marshall Islands

10 things I wish I knew before going to Marshall Islands

Travelling is a passion that will last for all eternity. From the beginning, human beings have a desire to meet new people and discover new places. This desire is much more reachable in the 21st century with the help of technological improvements. There are many countries attracting millions of people every year, but also there […]

Kanan Isazade 19 October 2020
12 Instagrammable places in Majuro

12 Instagrammable places in Majuro

Tropical island countries are among the most attractive tourism destinations. One of the Pacific island cities close to the equator is Majuro, a very famous summer vacation spot. Where is Majuro? Majuro is the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ largest city and capital, located near the Federated States of Micronesia. You can have a great […]

Punhan Shukurov 01 October 2020

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