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12 Instagrammable places in French Guiana

12 Instagrammable places in French Guiana

Deep in equatorial South America lies French Guiana, a French territory bordered by Brazil, Suriname, and the Atlantic Ocean. Dense rainforests shelter centuries-old traditional villages, while rockets are launched into space from the country’s center. Where is French Guiana? Finding French Guiana on the map is not so hard. In the top corner of South […]

Murad Akhundov 08 March 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to French Guiana

10 things I wish I knew before going to French Guiana

Are you wondering where is French Guiana? French Guiana on the map is the northeastern part of South America, officially the region belongs to France. Here come the most curious and fearless tourists to see the wild jungle, Devil’s Island and the Kourou spaceport, not for nothing Devil’s Island French Guiana, or rather it is […]

Alisa Ruda 08 January 2021
12 reasons why you should travel to French Guiana right now

12 reasons why you should travel to French Guiana right now

Far away from Europe, but still part of Europe (a member of the EU and NATO). We can see many confusing borders in the world, and of them is French Guiana. Considering that many people don’t have information about this exciting country, we decided to talk about it. In this blog, you will learn where […]

Kanan Isazade 03 November 2020

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