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Best things to do in Christmas Island

Best things to do in Christmas Island

Of course, I bet all of us at least once in their lifetime had a dream to see the open ocean, literally any of them. However, thoughts of the possibility of actually seeing the Indian ocean has always been some kind of exotic dream that I was impatiently waiting to become real. And, finally, here […]

Tural Abbasov 31 December 2020
Everything you need to know about Christmas Island

Everything you need to know about Christmas Island

Christian Island, quite small and isolated land from the rest of the world, is located in the Indian Ocean. Lately, the island gets a lot of attention from scientists and naturalists for its wonderful habitat, which is especially preserved as a national park. In this post, you get answers to your questions like “Where is […]

Amina Balakishiyeva 08 December 2020
Why you should visit Christmas Island

Why you should visit Christmas Island

Some of us may think that Christmas Island is a made-up name, but it’s an actual place. A peculiar far away land in Australia that has outstanding red crab migration annually.  If you love exploring exotic islands, then Christmas Island should be on the top list. All you need to do is find out more […]

Enock Maina Methus 29 November 2020

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