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The 20 strangest holidays in the world

The 20 strangest holidays in the world

Have you ever wondered about the strangest holidays? What are some weird holidays? Let's take a close look! 1. National Spaghetti Day We are starting to talk about strange and weird holidays in the world with one of the most delicious holidays! Every year, January 4th is celebrated as National Spaghetti Day. Pasta orders are […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 03 January 2021
10 reasons why you should travel to New Caledonia right now

10 reasons why you should travel to New Caledonia right now

If you are searching for a place to have an unforgettable summer vacation, then you are in the right place. Today, we will talk about New Caledonia. In this blog, you will learn where is New Caledonia, how to travel to New Caledonia, what is the best time to travel to New Caledonia, how is […]

Kanan Isazade 29 October 2020
10 Halloween like celebrations around the world

10 Halloween like celebrations around the world

Yes, we are at that time of the year. Weirdly, most of the world seems to think that all the deceased become more active and should be honoured exactly around these months. Even the ancient non-christian traditions seem to revolve around this time, and it just proves that such concepts are quite universal really. And […]

Ieva Miltina 16 October 2020
Top famous festivals of the year! 12 amazing festivals for each month!

Top famous festivals of the year! 12 amazing festivals for each month!

Famous festivals and carnivals are organized in different countries for the attendance of tourists that come from worldwide and become the main part of their tourism attractions. Millions of people watch and attend the world's most popular festivals and carnivals going on day and night. Why are festivals so popular? First is the fact that festivals […]

Aytaj Hasanova 22 June 2020
The Carnival of Venice

The Carnival of Venice

The Carnival of Venice, with its grandeur, originality, historical significance, and colourfulness, causes thousands of tourists to flock to Italy every year.  The history of Venice Carnival dates back to 1094. It is supposed that the carnival was first held this year because of the use of the word “Carnevale” in the document signed by Doge Vitale […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 05 February 2020
Why are music festivals so expensive?

Why are music festivals so expensive?

Every year, there are colourful concerts and music festivals that appeal to thousands of tastes all over the world. Each of these festivals, which have become an integral part of our culture today, has its distinctions. They differ in their styles, traditions, dresses, music, and rules that are appropriate for the countries in which they […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 12 November 2019
Time, Bunol turns to red

Time, Bunol turns to red

What is Spain famous for? What comes to mind when someone says the festival in Spain? Of course, the Tomato Festival!! What is the Tomato Festival in Spain? Each year, in August, 20,000 people wear swimming goggles in Bunol, just 38 km from Valencia. The aim is not to swim in the sea or in the […]

Joshgun Karimov 08 August 2019

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