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12 Instagrammable places in Cebu

12 Instagrammable places in Cebu

Instagram is a powerful tool for planning and sharing the best moments of a trip. Thanks to this social media, we will include in our travel to Cebu certain places that some people may not have known about. Many are in love with this social media. Therefore, we wanted to make a compilation of the […]

Roxana Acosta Sosa 07 April 2021
Travel destinations in the Philippines. Palawan, Boracay or Cebu?

Travel destinations in the Philippines. Palawan, Boracay or Cebu?

The Philippines is located in 7100 islands in Southeast Asia. Only 860 of the 7100 islands are populated. The capital city is Manila. The Philippines, bordered by Taiwan in the north, Malaysia and Indonesia in the south, the Pacific Ocean in the east, and the South China Sea in the west, has an area of […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 28 January 2020

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