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7 lifehacks for backpackers

7 lifehacks for backpackers

During the Covid-19 period, we all miss traveling to other countries and even inside the country. However, we have to know that this will not go long. So, we have to prepare ourselves for after the Covid-19 period, and we are glad to introduce seven super lifehacks for backpackers. Before that, we will briefly give […]

Murad Asgerzade 15 April 2021
The best countries for solo travelers

The best countries for solo travelers

Hiking and solo travel go together like peas and carrots, like Forrest and Jenny. Why should we wait until our friends are ready to explore the world, when we can go on a journey alone, meet a bunch of incredible new people, and discover an inner independence and sense of freedom that we never knew […]

Aytan Akhundova 01 April 2021
Reasons why backpacking is better than luxurious traveling

Reasons why backpacking is better than luxurious traveling

What is backpacking, and why should I prefer it? Today, I will try to mention all about backpacking. This blog will consist of 2 parts. In the first part, I will give some deep notes about backpacking (what to bring backpacking, what is backpacking), and in the second part, I will mention the advantages of […]

Kanan Isazade 29 March 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Mauritius

10 things I wish I knew before going to Mauritius

Mauritius is the most beautiful tourist spot to visit. Couple of days back, we had visited this beautiful spot, but the start of the journey was a bit messed up. Hence we felt that before visiting Mauritius, you should know a few things before going to Mauritius. In this article, we will guide you about […]

Aishwari Rout 05 January 2021
11 reasons why you should travel to Cabo Verde right now

11 reasons why you should travel to Cabo Verde right now

Tropical island countries hold a special place in the heart of every devotee of travelling. Cabo Verde is an archipelago country that is not known to many travellers worldwide. In this article, we will discover Cabo Verde, a new must-go travel destination for you! Where is Cabo Verde? Cabo Verde is in the central Atlantic […]

Punhan Shukurov 11 November 2020
What to pack for a trip?

What to pack for a trip?

2020 – a disastrous year for everyone. Most importantly, a terrible year for travellers. Since March, many countries around the world have closed their borders to foreigners. Imagine what visa holding people have gone through due to the countries closing their borders and ruining all travel plans. In a nutshell, many travelling lovers saw their […]

Kamran Abbasov 11 October 2020
How to pack for your trip to Madrid

How to pack for your trip to Madrid

Madrid is the dream city of millions of people. Architectural beauties, restaurants, Santiago Bernabeu, and more attracts millions of travellers to Madrid. Last year almost 84 million people travelled to Spain, and 6 million people visit the capital per year. If you have plans to travel to Spain, travel to Madrid, then you are in […]

Kanan Isazade 07 October 2020

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