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Magic world – the northern lights

Magic world – the northern lights

An aurora is a real miracle of our world. When the Vikings first saw the polar lights, they considered it as the beam of the swords of the Valkyries, who took the dead heroes to Valhalla. The Sami people call the glow the light, informing the living ones about the world of the dead. There […]

Arzu Chinarli 07 January 2020
Top 10 nations, who have introduced their cuisine to the world

Top 10 nations, who have introduced their cuisine to the world

Throughout history, people have experienced different changes and innovations in cuisine. It was basically because of the integration of cultures, the displacement of people due to climate or war, and the subordination of dependent countries. While talking about world cuisine, most people think of Chinese, Italian, and Turkish foods. However, you cannot limit the world […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 27 December 2019
The 10 largest metro systems in the world

The 10 largest metro systems in the world

Metro is at the top of one of the most commonly used types of transport in the world. How good is metro systems? Every day, we prefer to use the metro several times when we go to school, hurry to work and, most importantly, try to get rid of traffic jams. It maintains its popularity […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 26 December 2019
10 most unusual flags in the world and their secrets

10 most unusual flags in the world and their secrets

Each country is represented by its symbols. The most important of these symbols is the state flag. The state flag is the main symbol representing the country in various competitions, official meetings, political congresses, and all other events. Each of us knows the colours and symbols of our countries' flag, and we understand how it […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 29 November 2019
Time to buy a gift! What should we bring from traveling?

Time to buy a gift! What should we bring from traveling?

Probably all of you have magnets with the image of different countries on the refrigerator at home. As a child, we dreamed of travelling while looking at them. And now our dreams come true, and we travel. The holiday is over, and we still haven’t bought travel gifts for relatives and friends. How to get […]

Arzu Chinarli 28 November 2019
5 most bizarre clothing styles representing different countries   

5 most bizarre clothing styles representing different countries  

Traditional dressing in each country is one of the main attributes that reflect its history and culture. Although in many countries people do not wear traditional clothing daily, it is still possible to see them on special occasions. However, in some countries, it is compulsory to wear traditional clothing for both men and women. Some […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 22 October 2019
Top 5 safe countries in Africa for sole female travelers

Top 5 safe countries in Africa for sole female travelers

There are probably hundreds of millions of travelers in the world with plans or dreams to travel to Africa. Countries in Africa can be a place for an exotic honeymoon for someone, a place of another peak that will be conquered by another one, or it can be a “real” addition to the list of countries […]

Gulnar Rzayeva 30 September 2019
The 5 biggest airlines companies in the world

The 5 biggest airlines companies in the world

At the times when comfort and speed are sought and demanded people prefer planes, meaning, airline companies, for both domestic and international trips. That is why airline companies are increasing their workforce, planes, and serviceability with each passing day. Nowadays, there is serious competition between the biggest airline companies. Each one is doing its best to […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 27 September 2019
10 most meaningful coat of arms in the world

10 most meaningful coat of arms in the world

What is a coat of arms? The coat of arms indicates the independence and inviolability of the country they belong to. However, this does not mean that every country has a coat of arms. For instance, Turkey. Although there was a special coat of arms made by Namik Ismail in 1925 during the existence of the Ottoman […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 24 September 2019

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