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10 things I wish I knew before going to Liberia

10 things I wish I knew before going to Liberia

It is always a good idea to learn more about the country that you are about to visit. In that sense, Liberia is a country that not everyone is well aware of. So, there are things that you should know before planning to travel to Liberia. Where is Liberia? It is located on the Atlantic […]

Kamran Abbasov 24 August 2020
15 lifehacks for airports worldwide

15 lifehacks for airports worldwide

Let us start by asking ourselves: What are life hacks? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, life hacks are simple and yet smart tips or ways of doing certain similar tasks with much ease and efficiency. In our everyday life, we are hard-wired to find a technique of completing tasks much easily. Sometimes, we ourselves discover […]

Kamran Abbasov 18 August 2020
15 reasons why you should travel to Thailand right now

15 reasons why you should travel to Thailand right now

Beaches that touch the sky, the seashores which exist alongside the azure of the sky, a land of plenty, and yet where one can look within, Thailand is a paradise custom built by nature. It is cacophonous, teeming with its garrulous tribe, yet the warmth it exudes is soothing to the soul. The sights and smells […]

Devraj Lahiri 08 August 2020
12 reasons why you should travel to Singapore right now

12 reasons why you should travel to Singapore right now

Singapore, also is known as the “city of the lion,” is the icon of multiculturalism with citizens from diverse ethnicities, i.e., Malay, South Asian, East Asian, and European coexisting peacefully. From the birth of their unique language, Singlish (Singaporean + English), to its vibrant cuisine, which is influenced by all around Asia and Europe, this […]

Mahnoor Izha 03 August 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to Hanoi instead of Ho Chi Minh

10 reasons why you should travel to Hanoi instead of Ho Chi Minh

Vietnam, as a tourist destination, is a peace-loving country in the southern part of East Asia. Vietnam is a unique blend of natural attractions and cultural variations. Vietnam’s winding hills, lush green forests and paddy fields attract tourists a lot. The number of tourists who travel to Vietnam is very high. One of the main […]

Abhishek Dwivedi 31 July 2020
Time to buy a gift! What should we bring from traveling?

Time to buy a gift! What should we bring from traveling?

Probably all of you have magnets with the image of different countries on the refrigerator at home. As a child, we dreamed of travelling while looking at them. And now our dreams come true, and we travel. The holiday is over, and we still haven’t bought travel gifts for relatives and friends. How to get […]

Arzu Chinarli 28 November 2019
Black Friday vs Cyber Monday. Is there any difference?

Black Friday vs Cyber Monday. Is there any difference?

The shopping madness, so-called Black Friday, will be on November 29 in 2020. What is Black Friday? This Black Friday sales tradition first started in the US and later spread to Canada, and Britain is now being held in many countries. The formation of the Black Friday tradition and becoming the trend of shopping today has […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 25 November 2019
10 biggest Malls in Dubai

10 biggest Malls in Dubai

Economically leaving many cities behind, Dubai is mostly famous with Burj Khalifa, oil, gold, and Sheikhs and easy visa regime. The wealth of the city is not finished with this. Dubai being able to include several malls in the list of the biggest shopping malls in 2019, is the city with the largest shopping malls […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 18 October 2019
Travel and Shopping

Travel and Shopping

Are you one of those who say the following: “Shopping is a waste of time,” “If I can buy one here, why do I need to buy it in another country?”, “I am going on holiday, not for shopping”. If so, then imagine that your holiday is finished and you are back to work, but you […]

Arzu Chinarli 17 October 2019

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