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Books that create the love to travel

Books that create the love to travel

"There is no frigate like a book." – Emily Dickinson. The book's place in our lives is undeniable. At the same time, the idea of "how is it to travel on the frigate" doesn't leave you. To compare, you should definitely check both. "Show the books you read, and I'll tell you where you will […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

In 1912, a strange job announcement was published in an English newspaper: "Man Wanted. For the hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honour and recognition in case of success." Interestingly, 5000 people wanted to participate in the journey, and 26 people were selected. This team, […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
From Bahrain to Thailand

From Bahrain to Thailand

I have not been sharing my travels for a long time. I have decided to write the details of our last trip with my wife in February-March. The list of the countries we visited is as follows: UAE – Bahrain – Thailand – Malaysia – New Zealand – Samoa – Fiji – Australia and back. […]

Baba Aghayev 03 July 2019
The road from the small village to the Silicon Valley

The road from the small village to the Silicon Valley

Your actions today define tomorrow where you will be after 3, 10, or 20 years. I was studying in the sixth or seventh grade back then. Like every summer, I went from Baku to Quba for the summer holiday. Are you interested in where is Quba? Well, Quba is a rayon in northeastern Azerbaijan. By […]

Baba Aghayev 03 July 2019
Brazil of the dreams

Brazil of the dreams

5 years ago, and now. Firstly, let’s answer the question of where is Brazil? Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth-largest country in the world.  Travel to Rio de Janeiro It was the first time I was crossing the ocean. To the country and the city of my dreams. Travel to Rio de Janeiro. […]

Baba Aghayev 03 July 2019
Azerbaijan flag in favela

Azerbaijan flag in favela

What is a favela? A favela is a type of low-income slum neighbourhood in Brazil that has experienced historical governmental neglect as well. When I travel to Brazil in 2013 for the project, I took the flag of Azerbaijan. The father in the host family which I was staying saw the flag on the last […]

Baba Aghayev 01 July 2019
Aconcagua: summit of persistence

Aconcagua: summit of persistence

What is Aconcagua? Aconcagua is a mountain. Where is Aconcagua? Aconcagua Mountain in the Principal Cordillera of the Andes mountain range, in Mendoza Province, Argentina. At 22,837 feet, not only is it the highest mountain in South America, but it is also the tallest peak in all of the Americas, as well as the Southern and Western Hemispheres. Mount Aconcagua I […]

Baba Aghayev 01 July 2019
In search of a wave of life

In search of a wave of life

People are searching for their own waves throughout their lives. Sometimes, even if everything goes well in life, there is still something missing for feeling perfect. Watching the heroes in movies and in real life, we want to live their lives and be on their waves. But the vast majority can never catch that and […]

Rasim Aghazada 01 July 2019
South America: danger or beauty?

South America: danger or beauty?

How many countries are in South America? South America is located in the Western Hemisphere and mostly the Southern Hemisphere. There are a total of 12 countries in South America. Travel to South America This time I had the most exciting, although unplanned journey of my life. After 6 years, I returned to colourful South America […]

Baba Aghayev 01 July 2019

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