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How to get Netherlands work visa?

How to get Netherlands work visa?

There is an old saying, “God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands.” Why am I saying this? Because I am trying to signify how capable Dutch are. People from this little country have had an enormous impact on history, changing its course many times. Situated in western Europe, Netherlands is one of […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 11 July 2021
Everything you need to know about Norway Schengen visa

Everything you need to know about Norway Schengen visa

Whatever your interests are, this country is worth paying a visit, but you already know this, right? If you are here, then you are looking into everything about the Schengen visa to Norway. Oh, Norway…This mythical land of breathtaking natural beauty and good living. Yes, it is at times more expensive than most countries to […]

Ieva Miltina 11 July 2021
How to get Mauritius work visa?

How to get Mauritius work visa?

It is so strange that our perception of the world is so small while, in reality, countless places waiting for us to be explored. I came to this conclusion when I first researched Mauritius. I am not sure whether you share the same thoughts with me or not but I am pretty sure that most […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 10 July 2021
How to get work visa for Ireland?

How to get work visa for Ireland?

Famous American writer, poet, and scholar Conrad Arensberg said the following words about Ireland: ” Ireland is the mystic and historical land. It is the land of the Celtic Twilight, the country of Synge and Yeats and Stephens. It is the foundation of an age-old tradition, of the remains of a once glorious Celtic culture.” […]

Kanan Isazade 10 July 2021
Singapore business visa Guidelines, Requirements & Fees

Singapore business visa Guidelines, Requirements & Fees

Singapore Situated north of the equator, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, is an island city-state that is sovereign since 1965. But its history goes way back to the early nineteenth century. It is believed that it was founded by British statesman Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. In the early years, it was […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 10 July 2021
How to get Norway work visa?

How to get Norway work visa?

The spectacular view of the Northern Lights attracts millions of people to Norway per year. Of course, there is more than Northern Lights in Norway to discover. Besides being a tourism center, Norway is attractive for workers, too. Thousands of people have a dream to live and work in Norway. Those people need to obtain […]

Kanan Isazade 10 July 2021
How to get a tourist visa for Croatia?

How to get a tourist visa for Croatia?

Located at the crossroad of Southern and Central Europa, Croatia has been gaining popularity in recent years. This relatively small country has a lot to offer. The history of Croatia had been a huge struggle as the location of the country was in the middle of conflicts between world powers. However, surprisingly they managed to preserve their […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 09 July 2021
How to get a business visa for Sri Lanka?

How to get a business visa for Sri Lanka?

When we hear about Sri Lanka, Ceylon tea is one of the first things that come to mind. Enjoying the mesmerizing view of those tea plantations is a dream for many people, but there is more than tea in Sri Lanka. One of the reasons to travel to Sri Lanka is business. Thousands of people […]

Kanan Isazade 09 July 2021
How to apply for Turkey tourist visa online?

How to apply for Turkey tourist visa online?

Do you want to get a Turkey tourist visa? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. Turkey is one of the most visited countries in the world. More than 40 million people travel to Turkey per year. Rich history, cuisine, beaches, the sea, and more attract these people to Turkey. […]

Kanan Isazade 09 July 2021

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