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Top 10 most visited countries in 2019

Top 10 most visited countries in 2019

Finding the best destination is the beginning of your travel planning. It can also be the hardest decision for travellers to choose the country and location for a trip. The key question here is: “What do you want?”. What do you want to see, explore, experience on your holiday or vacation? Some people tend to discover […]

Murad Asgerzade 08 July 2020
Best travel books of all time that travelers should read during the COVID-19

Best travel books of all time that travelers should read during the COVID-19

While the fear of COVID-19 is surrounding the world, staying at home is one of the main terms to prevent the spread of the disease and limit the geographical expansion of the virus. Spending the whole day at home is challenging and tedious, especially for people who spend most of the year travelling. Then sit closer; I […]

Aytaj Hasanova 02 July 2020
Unique feelings instilled by travel

Unique feelings instilled by travel

Before anything else, let me state one point that I realized as a result of discovering the world: travel makes you draw a lesson from doing everything you said: "I would never do." Do not be ever afraid of this feeling; let this feeling envelop you. Accept its existence. When you don't want to listen […]

Gular Aghayeva 10 June 2020
Let the travel change you!

Let the travel change you!

The only thing I know for sure is that a person gets older, the desire to take risks and do different activities decreases. Fatigue caused by everlasting career plans and excessive household problems hard to cope with restrains us from living an active and colourful life. Therefore, people are prone to accept changes and challenges […]

Gular Aghayeva 06 June 2020
The best travel podcasts for travel lovers

The best travel podcasts for travel lovers

Making travel plans improves not only with the lessons drawn from our own experiences but also with the experiences of others. There are many platforms to share our travel experiences and learn from others. Let me introduce my favourite podcasts about travel to you. What are the best travel podcasts? Here are some of the […]

Gular Aghayeva 22 May 2020
Messages of the World’s Tourism Giants during the coronavirus

Messages of the World’s Tourism Giants during the coronavirus

We are all aware that the coronavirus pandemic has affected many areas. One of them, and perhaps the most affected, is the tourism industry. Before the epidemic, the tourism industry accounted for 10% of world GDP. At the moment, The World Travel & Tourism Council has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic could cut 50 million […]

Aytaj Hasanova 04 May 2020
When will we travel again?

When will we travel again?

The incidence of coronavirus pandemic, which has killed thousands of people around the world, continues to rise. At a time when the number of infections has reached 3 million, and more than two hundred thousand people have died, leaving home has become even riskier. Although staying at home may not seem difficult to many of […]

Aytaj Hasanova 29 April 2020
Details Matter!

Details Matter!

Traveling around the world and getting acquainted with different cultures, nations, and lifestyles gives us unique thinking experiences and minds. But close your eyes for a second, think of a trip full of surprises from your partner. Isn’t it exciting?! Let me talk about my recent trip to Singapore and my unforgettable gift. Unforgettable surprise […]

Gular Aghayeva 10 April 2020
When Corona travels the world, we stay at home

When Corona travels the world, we stay at home

It was the end of February when global media started sending continuous signals about Wuhan China. Media sources were warning about the deaths toll, but none of us considered it a severe threat… Covid 19 We were enjoying our lives the way we always did. Millions of tourists were packing the suitcases and backpacks for […]

Joshgun Karimov 21 March 2020

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