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9 things I wish I knew before going to Congo

9 things I wish I knew before going to Congo

Where is the Congo? The Greek fabulist Aesop has correctly expressed that “Travelling is worthwhile”. Travelling changes a person completely, it opens your eyes and with the experience, you gain it broadens your thinking.  If you have always been fond of travelling and travelling to different places soothes you then you should plan your next trip […]

Mahnoor Izha 09 January 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Puerto Rico

10 things I wish I knew before going to Puerto Rico

Planning a trip to the Island of Magic, but not sure where to start? We will help you! Here’s a guide to Puerto Rico that’s a must-read before you leave. Interesting facts about Puerto Rico: – Official name: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico) – Capital of Puerto Rico: San Juan […]

Aytan Akhundova 06 January 2021
Where was Dark filmed?

Where was Dark filmed?

Due to the pandemic lockdowns, an increasing number of people spend most of their time at home. As the safest way of protecting ourselves from widespread disease, we stay at home and appreciate our free time. Watching TV shows at home has been one of the best activities in our daily lives. Worldwide famous digital […]

Punhan Shukurov 04 January 2021
Everything you need to know about British Indian Ocean Territory

Everything you need to know about British Indian Ocean Territory

What is British Indian Ocean Territory? How is the British Indian Ocean Territory map? What is the population of British Indian Ocean Territory? Who owns Diego Garcia? How to travel to British Indian Ocean Territory? Is it possible to travel to British Indian Ocean Territory? British Indian Ocean Territory is an area that belongs to […]

Amina Balakishiyeva 31 December 2020
Best things to do in Christmas Island

Best things to do in Christmas Island

Of course, I bet all of us at least once in their lifetime had a dream to see the open ocean, literally any of them. However, thoughts of the possibility of actually seeing the Indian ocean has always been some kind of exotic dream that I was impatiently waiting to become real. And, finally, here […]

Tural Abbasov 31 December 2020
Travel tips to visit Guernsey

Travel tips to visit Guernsey

The coastlines of the UK are known to be unique and consist of many different types of rocky, jagged, rock-like areas. There is also much interesting wildlife that inhabits these shores, along with many incredible small atmospheric fishing villages. Perfect for a relaxing break – be sure to visit the North Norfolk Coast, Fife, the […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 30 December 2020
Most interesting facts about Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Most interesting facts about Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Have you heard of the West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands? Or think of where are the Cocos Islands? So, although the Cocos (Keeling) Islands are popular, you may still ask where are the Cocos Islands or how many people live in the Cocos Islands. Cocos Islands Australia is located in the Indian Ocean, and it […]

Shamil Hasanli 27 December 2020
Why you should visit Tokelau

Why you should visit Tokelau

Where is Tokelau? Tо аnswer the questiоn оf Where is Tokelau yоu need tо lооk аt the mар. Tоkelаu, аlsо саlled (1916–46) Uniоn Grоuр оr (1946–76) Tokelau Islands, the islаnd territоry оf New Zeаlаnd, соnsisting оf three аtоlls in the Sоuth Расifiс Осeаn. Tоkelаu lies аbоut 300 miles (480 km) nоrth оf Sаmоа аnd 2,400 […]

Mahammad Samadov 24 December 2020
Most interesting facts about Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Most interesting facts about Saint Pierre and Miquelon

We are living in the last days of 2020, which is a terrible year almost for everyone. I guess that after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be a tremendous increase in tourist numbers. Most people began to make their post-pandemic travel plans, and I recommend you to do the same. There are […]

Kanan Isazade 20 December 2020

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