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Positive effects of coronavirus on the environment

Positive effects of coronavirus on the environment

As we all aware, the coronavirus epidemic arose in China continues to affect the world. The coronavirus epidemic, which is found in most countries of the world, has almost stopped a life. Countries around the world are using various methods to prevent it. Many states have restrictions on leaving home. In many parts of the […]

Aytaj Hasanova 27 April 2020
To Wipe or to Wash? A Toilet Paper Slap!

To Wipe or to Wash? A Toilet Paper Slap!

Two ladies in Australia started a fight over a pack of toilet papers. The older lady tried to slap the younger in the face. Soon, their brawl became a global meme. The world began to argue over this “wipe or wash” phenomenon. Countries where people “wash” scoff at the “wipers” and countries where people “wipe” […]

Joshgun Karimov 30 March 2020
When Corona travels the world, we stay at home

When Corona travels the world, we stay at home

It was the end of February when global media started sending continuous signals about Wuhan China. Media sources were warning about the deaths toll, but none of us considered it a severe threat… Covid 19 We were enjoying our lives the way we always did. Millions of tourists were packing the suitcases and backpacks for […]

Joshgun Karimov 21 March 2020
How does coronavirus affect travel?

How does coronavirus affect travel?

Are you wondering how does coronavirus affect travel? or how will coronavirus affect travel? Well, Should you consider the impact of this coronavirus in your travel plans, your flights in Georgia?.The current range of the virus is extensive. You can see the number of people who have fallen under the virus and died online from […]

Nargiz Shiraliyeva 27 February 2020

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