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12 Instagrammable places in Majuro

12 Instagrammable places in Majuro

Tropical island countries are among the most attractive tourism destinations. One of the Pacific island cities close to the equator is Majuro, a very famous summer vacation spot. Where is Majuro? Majuro is the Republic of the Marshall Islands’ largest city and capital, located near the Federated States of Micronesia. You can have a great […]

Punhan Shukurov 01 October 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Ireland

10 things I wish I knew before going to Ireland

Ireland is a beautiful country in the British Isles, Europe. The Republic of Ireland occupies ⅚ of Ireland Island, 70,273 sq km, and the rest is Northern Ireland, which belongs to the United Kingdom. Its capital is Dublin. Ireland has two main official languages: Irish and English. The country’s population is around 5 million. Interestingly […]

Shamil Hasanli 16 September 2020
Do bridges connect or separate?

Do bridges connect or separate?

Love is to build bridges, not to build walls. Though the walls, once constructed to separate people, have been demolished, the merging function of the bridges protects them from this danger. It can even become the voice of a great nation as the Khudafarin bridge. The bridges Yes, this time, our topic is the bridges, and […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 16 January 2020
Magnificent Venice

Magnificent Venice

Are you wondering what are some places of interest in Venice today? Well, we introduce six must-see places to visit in Venice to you. These places are so great, and after getting your Italy Schengen visa, you must visit all of them. 1. Saint Mark Square The heart of Venice. The spectacular landscape of the sea is […]

Elnur Hamidli 15 July 2019

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