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The historical mistake of Catherine the Great: Sale of Alaska

The historical mistake of Catherine the Great: Sale of Alaska

History is cruel to the incautious ones. The careless steps taken by Tsarist Russia 153 years ago lead to regret today. These regrets are influenced differently in the political arena as gold mines and oil fields were discovered under the melting ice of Alaska, once a useless piece of land for Russians. These regrets are […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 30 January 2020
The 10 most delicious restaurants in Toronto

The 10 most delicious restaurants in Toronto

We agree that it is subjective to create a list of best restaurants. Just as tastes and colours are indisputable, so is taste. Two people will not choose the same famous restaurants in Canada, more precisely, in Toronto. Our best restaurants in Toronto list is trying to cover many different cuisines. The important thing is […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 17 January 2020
The Museum of Underwater Art

The Museum of Underwater Art

One day during your trip to Mexico, you will think, "What different places can I see in Mexico?" You think of tequila, guitar, large hats, cactus, and desert, and it does not seem so attractive? What places to visit in Mexico? Let's get to know the most exciting places to visit in Mexico. Places to […]

Farhad Karimli 24 December 2019
10 different New York restaurants for breakfast

10 different New York restaurants for breakfast

In New York, one of the world’s most beloved cities, famous with its skyscrapers and the dream of every youth to see before they die, it is impossible to starve. The important thing is to choose the food that best suits your taste among thousands of mixed choices. You may think New York residents are […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 04 November 2019

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