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Which one to get: Cuba tourist card or Cuba tourist visa?

Which one to get: Cuba tourist card or Cuba tourist visa?

Do you have plans to travel to Cuba? If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. As you know, in most cases, foreigners need a visa to travel to a new country. However, it may sound a little bit confusing for some people when it comes to travel to Cuba because […]

Kanan Isazade 07 May 2021
Myths about China tourist visa

Myths about China tourist visa

Millions of people apply for China visas every year. Likewise, many believe that their intention to travel to China is not satisfied because such a request has been denied. To be precise, this refusal led to many myths about why the China government did not provide this document. These are the common myths about the […]

Ruchi Singla 07 May 2021
Algeria tourist visa tips

Algeria tourist visa tips

Travelling as a tourist to a foreign country has become quite a dream these days with the pandemic. Nonetheless, if you wish to take the risk and give yourself a break from all the tension soaring around, then probably you can try to acquire an Algeria visa in the meanwhile. Algeria visa policy is rather […]

India e-visa vs India tourist visa

India e-visa vs India tourist visa

Plan to travel to India? Know that the country that you are visiting will require a visa, so if you plan to stay for more, then you need to have more valid documents.  Today, there are various types of visas available for nations, and India is no different. However, the point to note is that […]

Priyam Lahon 02 May 2021
What do the first embassy and Mona Lisa have in common?

What do the first embassy and Mona Lisa have in common?

“Birds are lucky. They do not need visas to cross borders.” I do not remember the man who said this quote, but I remember the number of times I felt an urge to become a bird. Getting your visa sucks. If you are not a citizen of the countries with the most powerful passports, embassies […]

Joshgun Karimov 25 December 2019

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