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A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

In 1912, a strange job announcement was published in an English newspaper: "Man Wanted. For the hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honour and recognition in case of success." Interestingly, 5000 people wanted to participate in the journey, and 26 people were selected. This team, […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
47 samurai in Sengakuji temple

47 samurai in Sengakuji temple

Japanese culture is as strong as a magnet. The high-speed trains running on 500km/h on the magnetic rails form extraordinary unity with the Japanese temples of 500 years old. History and future dances rhythmically in Japan. Millions of people come to the Land of the Rising Sun every year to witness this dance. One of […]

Joshgun Karimov 09 August 2019

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