
How to get Ukraine Transit Visa?

How to get Ukraine Transit Visa?

Ukraine is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe historically, culturally, and geographically. Ukraine is located in the eastern part of the European continent. You can see colorful cultures in this country where different nations live. At the same time, by traveling here, you can see beautiful places and enjoy the beauties of the […]

Atash Mammadov 16 March 2022
What are the conditions of Uzbekistan E-Visa?

What are the conditions of Uzbekistan E-Visa?

To be completely honest with you, unfortunately, Central Asia used to be not necessarily too popular among international travelers, however slowly but surely region keeps on attracting more and more international guests. And today, we decided to get ready and travel to the pearl of Central Asia as some people might call, to Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan […]

Tural Abbasov 15 March 2022
What To Pack For A Trip To China?

What To Pack For A Trip To China?

After getting a China visa with the help of Pickvisa, now you need to know more about this eastern country. China is situated in eastern Asia, on the Pacific Ocean’s western shore and you need special things to pack for a trip. It covers a massive physical region of 9.6 million square kilometers (about the […]

Tural Musayev 14 March 2022
US Immigrant Visas

US Immigrant Visas

The United States of America is one of the dream destinations of immigrants. More than a million people travel to this country per year. These people want to start a new life in a country of endless opportunities. But, to achieve this dream, they must follow some steps and fit the visa requirements. What are […]

Kanan Isazade 13 March 2022
Everything you need to know about Vanuatu Special Category Visa

Everything you need to know about Vanuatu Special Category Visa

This time, we will be going on a breathtaking trip to one of the most gorgeous islands in Oceania, to Vanuatu. But where is Vanuatu even located? Vanuatu is a country in the South Pacific Ocean made up of 80 islands that span 1,300 kilometres. The archipelago is 1,750 kilometres east of Australia, 500 kilometres […]

Tural Abbasov 12 March 2022
How to get Vanuatu Employment Visa

How to get Vanuatu Employment Visa

Today, we are taking a magnificent trip to one of the most beautiful islands in Oceania, to Vanuatu. But before we go any further, where is Vanuatu even located? Vanuatu is a country in the South Pacific Ocean made up of 80 islands that span 1,300 kilometers. The archipelago is 1,750 kilometers east of Australia, […]

Tural Abbasov 10 March 2022
What are the conditions of UAE E-Visa?

What are the conditions of UAE E-Visa?

In recent years, the increase and spread of viruses and different kinds of diseases in the world have increased the importance of the e-visa system. Today, while fighting the Covid-19 virus, e-visa is applied to prevent dangers in the visa process procedure. Governments do a great job of protecting people and preventing the spread of […]

Atash Mammadov 09 March 2022
UK Innovator visa details

UK Innovator visa details

The UK as one of the most developed countries attracts millions of people from all over the world. Here, anyone is welcomed regardless of race, ethnicity, religion as long as there is no action against the law. People visit the UK for a variety of reasons. Some people visit the country out of curiosity. Some […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 08 March 2022
Everything you must know about Uruguay Residence Permits

Everything you must know about Uruguay Residence Permits

If we, as foreign nationals, wish to live in another country for a long time from our own country, we must obtain a residence permit when we arrive in that country. It is obligatory to obtain a residence permit, whether for studying, working, or other purposes. So, what is a residence permit? The residence permit […]

Atash Mammadov 07 March 2022

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