
Moldova Short-stay visa

Moldova Short-stay visa

“I think Moldova is one of the best-kept secrets on earth, and I am not the only one who thinks like that.” – Kevin Stillmock. Moldova is indeed a little bit unknown for the mass majority. The number of visitors is not so much (roughly 190000 tourists per year). But, it is excellent that people […]

Kanan Isazade 30 May 2021
What are the ways to get a Singapore visa?

What are the ways to get a Singapore visa?

Famous for its multiversity, business forward approach, and cleanliness, Singapore attracts millions of tourists each year, and it makes a lot of sense. I was considering traveling to Singapore myself just to get a chance at trying the most prominent Asian cuisines (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) with one shot! Anyways, I have no idea what […]

Ieva Miltina 29 May 2021
Important details about Monaco visa

Important details about Monaco visa

Being the second smallest country, Monaco attracts many tourists every year. Strangely, Monaco only has borders with France. When people think of Monaco, confusion often appears. Is Monaco an independent state? Yes, it is independent since 1297. Why do people make such mistakes about Monaco, then? Although the state is independent, the relations of Monaco, […]

Tanzania e-visa key details

Tanzania e-visa key details

Tanzania is a place where there’s something for every traveler. Beautiful beaches and exotic wildlife, there’s no reason why Tanzania shouldn’t be on your list to spend your next holidays. However, you can’t just land in Tanzania on a whim. There are basics to go through – we are talking about visas, obviously. What is […]

Priyam Lahon 29 May 2021
South Korea visa process

South Korea visa process

Famous Korean writer and activist Lee Hyeon-Seo said: “Breathing in South Korea, even though life here is not easy, makes me so happy. I feel that sitting in a coffee shop, having a cup of tea, and looking out of the window at the blue sky – this is happiness. Truly happiness”. Lee Hyeon-Seo showed […]

Kanan Isazade 29 May 2021
What are Guinea visa steps?

What are Guinea visa steps?

Guinea is not seen as an ideal tourist location when you compare it to other African countries. Even so, the country has some beautiful places you can visit. Guinea appeals to those who like remote areas full of natural beauty.  The mount Nimba Nature Reserve, countless beaches, unexplored rainforests, and beautiful waterfalls attract adventure seekers […]

Judith Kamau 28 May 2021
Key factors of Albania visa

Key factors of Albania visa

This small country in the south of Europe is still greatly undervalued by the mass streams of international tourism. Maybe because of the bad image the Kosovo war left as baggage from the late 1990s. Maybe because they still haven’t reached an agreement with the EU to become one of the states of the union. […]

Ieva Miltina 28 May 2021
How to apply to Dominica visa?

How to apply to Dominica visa?

Officially, it is known as the Commonwealth of Dominica, it is an archipelago of the Windward Islands, it is classified as a Caribbean nation. It is a not very big country but rich in culture, nature and paradisiacal beaches, so you will surely want to have the Dominica tourist visa. As for tourist activity, it […]

Visa steps to visit Haiti

Visa steps to visit Haiti

Crystal clear water and white sands of the Caribbean attract thousands of tourists to Haiti every year. Of course, pandemics affected the tourism of Haiti deeply, such as in other countries. However, good news from all parts of the world makes us more positive, and make plans about visiting our dream destinations. If you have […]

Kanan Isazade 28 May 2021

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