
Best things to do in British Virgin Islands

Best things to do in British Virgin Islands

The Caribbean islands are ideal holiday destinations for those who love traveling on a budget. Here you can enjoy a luxurious tropical vacation, fine beaches, wild nature adventures, and high-class resorts for quite pocket-friendly prices. The British Virgin Islands, a foreign territory of the United Kingdom, is one of the Caribbean tourist destinations welcoming thousands of […]

Punhan Shukurov 08 January 2021
Everything you need to know about French Southern Territories

Everything you need to know about French Southern Territories

Have you ever caught yourself wondering about the most remote corners in the world? How do you even find out that such places exist? If the answer is yes, then this article might be exactly for you. I will tell you about the overseas territories of France. You will see information about those only in […]

Ieva Miltina 05 January 2021
Everything you need to know about Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Everything you need to know about Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands аre twо seраrаte deрendenсies оf Nоrwаy. Sysselmаnn (Gоvernоr) оf Svаlbаrd gоverned Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands until 1994. Fylkesmаnn (Соunty Gоvernоr) оf Nоrdlаnd stаrted tо rule Jаn Mаyen frоm Аugust оf 1994. Jаn Mаyen hаs рermаnently stаffed defense аnd meteоrоlоgiсаl stаtiоns. Jаn Mаyen is аn integrаl раrt оf the Kingdоm […]

Mahammad Samadov 04 January 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Turks And Caicos Islands

10 things I wish I knew before going to Turks And Caicos Islands

Summer is a wonderful time to go abroad on vacation. Are there any places where it is warm all year round? Of course! Are you wondering where are the Turks And Caicos Islands? Well, one of them is the unusual and slightly mysterious Turks and Caicos Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Caribbean Sea, […]

Nargiz Shiraliyeva 03 January 2021
Best things to do in United States Minor Outlying Islands

Best things to do in United States Minor Outlying Islands

The world is full of adventurous places to discover and go on an exploration. The United States is one of those which can provide a great opportunity for adventure lovers to discover its hidden desert island treasures. If you’re looking for the best travel things to do in the United States Minor Outlying Islands, then […]

Gunel Eyvazli 03 January 2021
Everything you need to know about Heard and McDonald Islands

Everything you need to know about Heard and McDonald Islands

If yоu hаve never heаrd оf Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands, оr wоuld like sоme mоre infоrmаtiоn tо аdd tо whаt yоu аlreаdy knоw, this is а gооd рlасe tо stаrt. We hаve seаrсhed the internet аnd tried tо gаther аll the dаtа аbоut these extrаоrdinаry islаnds аnd sоrt them ассоrdingly, sо thаt it wоuld […]

Mahammad Samadov 02 January 2021
Travel tips to visit Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Travel tips to visit Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Most people have never heard of this place. 27 heavenly islands in the Indian Ocean and just two of them are inhabited. Each island is filled with the greenest jungle yet surrounded by the clearest blue waters abundant with sea life. Basically – a paradise on Earth! And only the rare one knows that this […]

Ieva Miltina 01 January 2021
Everything you need to know about British Indian Ocean Territory

Everything you need to know about British Indian Ocean Territory

What is British Indian Ocean Territory? How is the British Indian Ocean Territory map? What is the population of British Indian Ocean Territory? Who owns Diego Garcia? How to travel to British Indian Ocean Territory? Is it possible to travel to British Indian Ocean Territory? British Indian Ocean Territory is an area that belongs to […]

Amina Balakishiyeva 31 December 2020
Top sights in Anguilla

Top sights in Anguilla

Caribbean islands hold a specific place in the heart and mind of every travel enthusiast. People have always wondered what it is like to have a vacation in Caribbean territories such as Anguilla. Where is Anguilla? As a British Overseas Territory, Anguilla is located in the Caribbean Sea, bordering Saint Martin, Puerto Rico, and the […]

Punhan Shukurov 31 December 2020

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