
Tea culture around the world

Tea culture around the world

Have you ever been interested in how much tea is consumed in the world? According to the UN, 6 billion cups of tea are consumed worldwide every day. Although tea is generally lost to the beer in the 'most drinkable' nomination, it is most popular after water. Everybody has heard or made up some myths […]

Gulnar Rzayeva 02 October 2019
The 5 biggest airlines companies in the world

The 5 biggest airlines companies in the world

At the times when comfort and speed are sought and demanded people prefer planes, meaning, airline companies, for both domestic and international trips. That is why airline companies are increasing their workforce, planes, and serviceability with each passing day. Nowadays, there is serious competition between the biggest airline companies. Each one is doing its best to […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 27 September 2019
Airbnb: Advantages and Disadvantages

Airbnb: Advantages and Disadvantages

Because of the integration of cultures in a globalized world, people prefer to travel more and explore new countries. Nevertheless, one of the questions that come up before you travel is where to stay in the destination country. Hotels are always the first option that comes to mind. However, there are alternatives. Airbnb is one […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 26 September 2019
Facts You Did Not Know About Mariana Trench

Facts You Did Not Know About Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench in the Philippines Sea, the second largest sea in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest trench in the world known to date. The Mariana Trench, 340 km southeast from Guam Island, the largest island of the Mariana Islands, is a crescent-shaped trough. As the name implies, it is […]

Javid Asadov 25 September 2019
10 most meaningful coat of arms in the world

10 most meaningful coat of arms in the world

What is a coat of arms? The coat of arms indicates the independence and inviolability of the country they belong to. However, this does not mean that every country has a coat of arms. For instance, Turkey. Although there was a special coat of arms made by Namik Ismail in 1925 during the existence of the Ottoman […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 24 September 2019
The reason that makes the memories sweet

The reason that makes the memories sweet

Our experiences have a direct impact on the taste of the food we eat. Where, with whom, and how we eat is as important as what we eat. In recent years, the first has become more important than the second. Return to your memories about the food. We are not talking about the food cooked […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
Books that create the love to travel

Books that create the love to travel

"There is no frigate like a book." – Emily Dickinson. The book's place in our lives is undeniable. At the same time, the idea of "how is it to travel on the frigate" doesn't leave you. To compare, you should definitely check both. "Show the books you read, and I'll tell you where you will […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

A Hundred Years of Legend of the Shackleton Expedition

In 1912, a strange job announcement was published in an English newspaper: "Man Wanted. For the hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honour and recognition in case of success." Interestingly, 5000 people wanted to participate in the journey, and 26 people were selected. This team, […]

Joshgun Karimov 20 August 2019
47 samurai in Sengakuji temple

47 samurai in Sengakuji temple

Japanese culture is as strong as a magnet. The high-speed trains running on 500km/h on the magnetic rails form extraordinary unity with the Japanese temples of 500 years old. History and future dances rhythmically in Japan. Millions of people come to the Land of the Rising Sun every year to witness this dance. One of […]

Joshgun Karimov 09 August 2019

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