
Magic of hanami in Japan

Magic of hanami in Japan

I cannot hide my passion for this country. It may sound strange, but I have never been there. On the other hand, I felt walking in the streets of Tokyo many times. I felt seeing Fujiyama mountain many times. Apart from everything else, I felt enjoying the moment of tranquillity with the magic of hanami […]

Joshgun Karimov 27 February 2020
Areas where dinosaur fossils are found

Areas where dinosaur fossils are found

It is weird to imagine that dinosaurs, familiar to us from movies or animations, have been walking on the Earth back in times.  The existence of these giant creatures has been known to humanity through the found fossils. When was the first dinosaur fossil found? The dinosaurs were discovered by palaeontologist Richard Owen in 1841 […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 26 February 2020
The history of the first passport

The history of the first passport

As it is known, the first document we need to have to travel to different countries is the passport. In more detail, the passport is a document issued by the government to its citizens, confirming the identity and nationality of its holder primarily for international travel. Standard passports include a person’s name, place and date […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 24 February 2020
History of Fast Foods

History of Fast Foods

What is fast food? The fast food, the favourite meal of all of us, from child to adult, the taste we cannot refuse even though, always trying to stay away from it, is one of the most demanding products of our time. “Fast food” is a common name for dishes prepared in a short time and […]

Narmin Aydinqizi 20 February 2020
The most dangerous places of the world

The most dangerous places of the world

All travellers want their journey to be ideal and unforgettable. However, sometimes memorable trips may not be perfect. During travel, tourists can experience surprises and dangerous places. Countries demonstrate the most colourful, safe images and locations of their countries through different slogans and video clips to attract more tourists today. But what are the most dangerous places in the world to visit? […]

Vusala Senem Mikail 19 February 2020


What is hitchhiking? Hitchhiking is a cultural way to travel for free just by raising your thumb to stop the car on your way. By travelling on the vehicle going in the same direction as you, both sides are the winners: you are travelling for free, and the driver is doing something right. Every year, […]

Farhad Karimli 18 February 2020
10 best places to visit in Europe

10 best places to visit in Europe

Indeed, travelling anywhere in the world is always the most exciting and fun experience. Different European countries, different cultures, different cuisines, and new people – how can these be not exciting? If there are so many places to be explored, such a country to travel in the world! Each has its unique nature, flora and […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 17 February 2020
6 must-see countries in Africa and reasons to visit them

6 must-see countries in Africa and reasons to visit them

Africa is one of the most exciting continents among the tourist routes. It can meet the desire of any tourist interested in any aspect of tourism due to its exotic nature, rich fauna, mysterious seaside, unusual cuisine, and diversity of national, ethnic composition. At first glance, it seems that there are almost no unexplored places […]

Javid Asadov 14 February 2020
10 largest hospitals where you can easily get lost

10 largest hospitals where you can easily get lost

The "tops" have always been one of the topics that people are most interested in. The top biggest cities, the top most prominent hotels, the top shopping shops, and so on. Have you ever thought about the top largest hospitals in the world, or where is the largest hospital in the world? Our health is […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 12 February 2020

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