
The secrets of Sheremetyevo International airport for frequent travellers

The secrets of Sheremetyevo International airport for frequent travellers

Tourists and locals in any city of the world rarely intersect: the first walks on beaten paths and “right” places, stands in queues to museums, and eats questionable food for a lot of money. Residents avoid all this, always knowing a short way and “right” places. The airport is also, in fact, a small city, the […]

Aytan Akhundova 13 July 2020
New travel rules after COVID-19

New travel rules after COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has changed all of our worlds, and not just in the short-term. The problem’s scale can’t be ignored; entire nations have been ordered to stay at home, airlines have gone bankrupt, travel companies are laying off massive amounts of workers, and hotels are now hospitals. Outside of healthcare, few industries have been […]

5 best museums in Nairobi

5 best museums in Nairobi

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, prides itself as a top custodian of its ancient historical information. It has also acclaimed an international stature for being one of the few capital cities home to a big national park. The city’s distinct positioning as a top economic hub also plays a central role in spearheading the magical Kenya […]

Judith Kamau 10 July 2020
Top 10 most visited countries in 2019

Top 10 most visited countries in 2019

Finding the best destination is the beginning of your travel planning. It can also be the hardest decision for travellers to choose the country and location for a trip. The key question here is: “What do you want?”. What do you want to see, explore, experience on your holiday or vacation? Some people tend to discover […]

Murad Asgerzade 08 July 2020
Special sticker for passports in Dubai airports: Welcome to your second home!

Special sticker for passports in Dubai airports: Welcome to your second home!

Today is a great day for Emirates as the country reopens its borders to international travellers. Borders were closed to foreigners since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but starting from today (July 07, 2020), travellers can now return to Dubai – their second home! General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai has […]

Murad Asgerzade 07 July 2020
Which countries pay to visit them post COVID-19?

Which countries pay to visit them post COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of people all over the world and shut down many businesses. The tourism industry is among the worst hit, as with flights grounded and borders closed, many popular tourist destinations around the globe are struggling big-time. International travel has dropped to almost zero, countless countries are reporting massive […]

Best travel books of all time that travelers should read during the COVID-19

Best travel books of all time that travelers should read during the COVID-19

While the fear of COVID-19 is surrounding the world, staying at home is one of the main terms to prevent the spread of the disease and limit the geographical expansion of the virus. Spending the whole day at home is challenging and tedious, especially for people who spend most of the year travelling. Then sit closer; I […]

Aytaj Hasanova 02 July 2020
Post-Pandemic Travel: How? Where? When?

Post-Pandemic Travel: How? Where? When?

It is hard to believe that in most countries, people, addicted travelers cannot travel anywhere during this period. Of course, some of them stuck in other countries, but I am sure they do not enjoy traveling in the current circumstances. The good news, the situation changes. I cannot inform you that we – humanity win this […]

Baba Aghayev 27 June 2020
Top famous festivals of the year! 12 amazing festivals for each month!

Top famous festivals of the year! 12 amazing festivals for each month!

Famous festivals and carnivals are organized in different countries for the attendance of tourists that come from worldwide and become the main part of their tourism attractions. Millions of people watch and attend the world's most popular festivals and carnivals going on day and night. Why are festivals so popular? First is the fact that festivals […]

Aytaj Hasanova 22 June 2020

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